nedeľa 6. mája 2012

Where Ben Bernanke did give his speech?
What is QE3 ?
Why would Bernanke push for another round of QE?  sth is missing
In what is Bernanke thinking that is QE3 off the table?
Which choice is a poor choice relative to avaliable alternatives?
Where did take place the speech of the President of the Federal Reserve?
Which effect could have the Fed?
What is Fed willing to tolerate?
How much employment has been growing per quarter?
What is the present policy target in rate of inflation?

1. Where did Ben Bernanke give his speech ?
3. Why would have Bernanke push for another round of QE ?
4. What Bernanke think that is QE3 off the table ?
5. Which of choices is a poor to relative avaliable alternatives ?
6. Where the President of the Federal Reserve did take the speech ?
7. Which type of effect could have the Fed ?
8. How fast would the Fed engineer recovery ?
9. What is the situation in improvement in labour markets ?

Jeff Alexanders introduces a Koopers Chocolate company. It's the largest and last chocolate producer in Manhattan. Koopers produces 450 different kind of chocolate.
Koopers chocolate started in 1937. It was started by 2 gentlemans, Jeff Alexander grandfather Puppy and another felled in David Kooper, who shortly retired after starting company. When the company started they only produced chocolate lentils which are small chocolate pills with bright color  shine.  Koppers is actually quite famous for original production. They invented chocolate to presso  40 years ago and  chocolate covered gummy bears whose are also very sweet and became very popular. Products are offered in special stores and specially sections of supermarkets. Nowadays, Koppers company employs  about 50 employees and their sales are 10-15 milion dolars.

Ladislav P.

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