nedeľa 15. apríla 2012

Jeff Alexander talked about Kopper´s manufacture, perhaps the largest last manufacture for chocolate in New York. Jeff is co-owner of this company. It was established in 1937 by 2 gentleman – his grandfather Poppy and David Kooper, who shortly retired after start of company. They produce about 450 different kinds of chocolate dragee. When they started, they were only company which produced chocolate lentils – small chocolate discs coated in a sugar shall and then in bright colors. They make for example chocolate covered gummy bears that are really sweet and popular or chocolate covered fruits and nuts. Their products are in special stores or sections in a supermarket. It´s a quite small company with 50 employees and their sells are in 10 to 15 million dollars.

Where did FED Chairman give a speech?
What does Bernanke suggest?
What should we not expect?
What does Tim Duy think about QE3?
What do tea-leaf readers speculate about??
How many jobs have been growing per quarter?
When should be QE3 off the table?
What is the strongest argument of FED to QE3?
What was consistent with stable to falling rates of labour compensation and inflation?
What kind of intervention does the FED want to use?
When was publicated this article?
+ What does QE3 mean?
+ What does Bernanke think about rapid improvement?
+ What kind of position does Bernanke have in Federal Reserve?

Michal O.
Who gave a speech on American´s labour market?
About what gave Ben Bernake a speech?

When will the QE3 be off the table?
Who is Ben Bernake?
What is QE3?
What should we not expect?
Which tempo has an employment growing?
What is the rate of the growing employment?
Which effect could have the Fed?
What consequences can Fed have?
What is Fed willing to engineer?
When was the deep recession?
What does Tim Duy think about QE3?
Why is Fed willing to tolerate? sth is missing
What is the Fed willing to tolerate?
How could the Fed achieve a substantial stimulative effect on the economy?
Mária N.
What is Bernate suggest about the rapid improvement in unemployment?
Why Bernate would push for another round of QE?
Where have Bernate speech on America´s labour market?
How looks the Fed´s current policy?
How much employment has been growing?
What is the QE3?
How deep was the recesion?
What is the Fed?
What is the Fed willing to tolerate?
Why is present policy target a poor choice?
Veronika P.

What Bernake thinks about the rapidly increasing unemployment?
Why should it be the another round of QE?
Where he has a speech about America´s labour market?
What is the Fed´s current policy?
How much growing employment?

The Koppers chocolate company is the largest manufacture in Manhatan.The Koppers was started by David Kopper in 1937. This company produces about 450 different kind of chocolate. At first they were only one company in the country and they made chocolate lentils - small chocolate disks coated in suggar shower and bright colours. They are very famous for their original production. They have covered 40 different kind of chocolate beans, gummy bears an so on. They are a butik company and they have about 50 employees.
Mária N.

This video is about Koppers chocolate, the largest chocolate manufacturer in Manhatan. The company was founded in 1937 by David Kopper and grandfather of Jeff Alexander. They started with the production of small chocolate lentills coated in sugar and bright colours. At the present Koppers chocolate produces more than 450 kinds of chocolate and made it from more than 40 kinds of chocolate beans. They also produce gummy bears, which are really sweet and people love them. They are a boutique company and have about 50 employees and profit about 10 – 15 milions dollar. Veronika P.
1. When did Ben Bernanke give a speech on America´s labour market?
2.  What did Bernanke suggested?
3. What does Mr Bernanke think about current policy?
4. What is the Fed willing to engineer?
5. What recovery we observe over the past three months?
6. What employment growth occure after recession in 2007-2009?
7. Which possibility is likely about labour market?
8. Which rate of employment growth was consistent with stable to falling rates?
9. What the Fed is willing to tolerate?
10. How could the Fed achieve a substantial stimulative effect on the economy?
Martina P.

1. What is QE3?
2.  Under which conditions Bernanke would push for another round of QE?
3. What would happen if Mr Bernanke was wrong?
4. What would happen if Mr Bernanke was right?
5. What recovery has been observed over the past three months?
6. What employment growth did occure after recession in 2007-2009?
7. Which possibility is about labour market?
8. What rate of employment growth was consistent with stable to falling rates of labour compensation and inflation?
9. Who might have had a stimulative effect on the economy?
What is QE3?
How much employment has been growing per quarter?
In which years was a recession?
What did Bernake suggestes?
Which effect could have the Fed?
What is perhaps the strongest argment of all politics?  
How could Fed have a substantial stimulative effect ?
When was the deep recession?
 What is Mr. Bernanke thinking about rapid improvement ?
What percent of inflation can be the strongest argument? 

The Koppers chocolate is the largest manufacture in Manhatan. Koppers produces 450 different kind of chocolate draze .It starts in 1937 . It was started by two gentelmans grandfather Puppy and another felled in david Copper. Whan the company started they were the only company in the country that made chocolate lentils whitch are a small chocolate disks coated in suggar shower and an bright colours . Today they have coverd chocolate beans for over 40 years ago and make 40 different kind of it.They are a butik company and they have about 50 employees and sellers.

Jeff Alexanders is talking about a chocolate company Koppers, which is the largest and perhaps the last chocolate manufacture in Manhatann. Koppers company was started in 1937 by David Kopper who shortly retired after starting the company and Jeff Alexander´s grandfather . This company produces 450 different kind of chocolate. At the begining it was the only one company in the country which made the chocolate lentils which are small chocolate disks coated in suggar shower and bright colours in a shine. They are famous for their original production, they produce for example gummy bears which are really sweet and people enjoy them. They have about 50 employees and their sales are 10-15 million dolars.
Martina P.
The Koppers chocolate is the largest manufacture in Manhatan. Koppers produces 450 different kind of chocolate draze .It starts in 1937 . It was started by two gentelmans grandfather Puppy and another felled in david Copper. Whan the company started they were the only company in the country that made chocolate lentils whitch are a small chocolate disks coated in suggar shower and an bright colours . Today they have coverd chocolate beans for over 40 years ago and make 40 different kind of it.They are a butik company and they have about 50 employees and sellers.


In this video we can see a Jeff Alexander, who is the co-owner of Koppers Chocolate. He is talking about the largest manufacture chocolate in Manhattan - Koppers Chocolate. This company was founded in 1937 by his grandfather and David Kopper who shortly retired after starting the company. At the beginning they were only company in the country, which made small chocolate lentils. We know lentils like small chocolate disk covered by coloured surface and shine. Now Koppers Chocolate produce more than 450 different kinds of chocolate dragee. Koppers is actually famous for original production. They have covered 40 different kinds of chocolate beans, gummy bears and most of chocolate covered fruits and nuts that people enjoy. They are boutique company, they have about 50 employees and profit about 10-15 millions dollar. 

Izabela P.

Who and when gave a speech on America's labour market?
Why he believes that Bernanke would push for another round of QE?
What is the QE3?
Is Fed's current policy sufficient to generate labour market improvements?
What happens if economy maintains pace of improvement?
What is the Fed willing to engineer?
Is this rate of employment growth consistent with stable to falling rates of labour compensation and inflation?
What is Fed willing to tolerate?
What is substantial constraint on recovery?
What is the present policy target in rate of inflation?

Izabela P.
What does Tim Duy think about QE3?
Who is Ben Bernake?
How could the Fed achieve a substantial stimulative effect on the economy?
How many jobs have been growing per quarter?
Who gave a speech on America's labour market by central banks?
What is the strongest argument of FED to QE3?
Why is present policy target a poor choice?
What is Fed willing to engineer?
What was consistent with stable to falling rates of labour compensation and inflation?
How deep was the recesion?

Marianna P.

Jeff Alexander ( co-owner of Koppers Chocolate) is talking  about Koppers Chocolate, the largest chocolate manufacture company. The company started producing chocolate in 1937 and it produces 450 different kinds of chocolate today. This company was founded by two men -  David Kopper and Jeff Alexander´s grandfather. Koppers company was the first manufacture, which began to produce a lentils small chocolate disk covered by coloured surface and shine. Now, they offer chocolate cower gummy-bears and chocolate cower fruits and it is famous brand of sweets for many people. Products are offered in special stores and specially sections of supermarkets.  Nowadays, Koppers company employs  about 50 employees and their sales are 10-15 milion dolars.

Marianna P.

The video is about Koppers chocolate. It is the largest manufacture chocolate in Manhattan. The company started at 1937. Koppers chocolate was founded by two men, Jeff Alexander´s grandfather and David Kopper who  retired  early after starting the company. Koppers produce 450 different kind of chocolate. Only they made a chocolate lentils in the country. These are small chocolate discs coated in sugar shall and then in bright colours. They also produce gummy bears which are really sweet. Koppers product is in every specialty store. A manufacture employs 50 staff and their sells are 10 to 15 million dollars.
Zuzana P.

  1. Where Ben Bernanke did give his speech?
  2. What is QE3?
  3. Why doesn't Bernake  push for more now given the existing forecasts?
  4. What thinks Ben Bernanke that is rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months?
  5. Why thinks Ben Bernanke that rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months is a product of catch-up from previous underperformance?
  6. When is QE3 off the table?
  7. When is asset purchases a real possibility for improvement economy?
  8. In which years was a recession?
  9. How much employment has been growing per quarter?
  10. In what is Fed willing to engineer a labour-market recovery?
Zuzana P. 

  1. In which years was a recession?
  2. Who did give a speech on America's labour market?
  3. Mr Bernanke thinks that rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months is a product of catch-up from previous underperformance. Why?
  4. What is rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months according Mr Bernake?
  5. Who is Ben Bernake?
  6. About what was Bernake's speech?
  7. Who thinks that QE3 is off the table if  labor markets will continue to improve at the recent pace?
  8. What is a real possibility if the pace of improvement slows ?
  9. What is the strongest argument of FED? 
  10. What is the present policy target in rate of inflation? 
Zuzana P.

Who gave a speech on America´s labour market?
What did Bernake suggestes?
What should we  nat expect? 
What thinks Bernake about the rapid improvement in labour markets?
What thinks Bernake about the Fed´s current policy?
When was the deep recession?
Which tempo has a employment growing?
How much time would be necessary if there will be a constat tempo of employment growing to reach a full employment?
What was the Fed willing to tolerate very long period?
What is the present policy target in rate of inflation?

Michal P.

Who is federal reserve chairman?
What have Tim Duy?
What is Fed willing to engineer?
What did Fed observe the past three months?
What is QE3?
What Fed tolerate a very long period?
What mean pathological obssesion?
What could the Fed stimulate?
What is the Fed unwilling to do?

What did Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke give speech about on America's labour market?
Why would Bernanke push for another round of QE?
When will the QE3 be off the table according to what Mr. Duy said?
What is the Fed willing to engineer?
What kind of recovery comes after the recession from 2007-2009 and what kind of recovery we were hoping for?
What kind of tempo has growing of employment?
What is the rate of employment growth consistent with?
What is Fed willing to tolerate?

What is pathologically obsessed the Fed with?
Why present policy is thinking that a 2% rate of inflation is a poor choice relative to available alternatives?

Where did Ben Bernanke give speech?
What we can only infer if Bernanke would not push for another round of QE?
What does Mr. Bernanke thinks about rapid improvement in labour markets?
How fast would the Fed engineer recovery?
In which years was the recession?

What effect could have the Fed on the economy and why?
Why the Fed is willing to tolerate a very long period of costly labour-market weakness?
How is the Fed damaging itself?

What are thinking present policy about a 2% rate of inflation?

Ľudmila P.

Koppers Chocolate is the largest and perhaps the last manufacture chocolate in Manhattan. Koppers Chocolate started at 1937 by Jeff Alexander´s grandfather and David Kopper who shortly retired after starting the company.  But they kept the name because they thought that the company starting the name with K will be very strong and successful. It was only company in the country which made chocolate lentils. Which are small chocolate disc coated in a sugar shall and then in bright colors they predating m&m´s. Koppers Chocolate produce 450 different kinds of chocolate dragee. Their product is in every specialty store or in specialty sections of supermarkets. The company has about 50 employees and their sells are 10 to 15 million dollars.
Ľudmila P.

sobota 14. apríla 2012

1.        Who gave a speech on America's labor market by central banks, tea-leaf readers speculating over its implications for a new round of asset purchases, QE3?
2.        What Bernanke suggests that the recent rapid improvements in unemployment reflects?
3.        What should we not expect about given current growth forecasts?
4.        In what is Bernanke thinking that is QE3 off the table?
5.        What is Mr. Bernanke thinking about rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months?
6.        What could be a consequence of  rapid improvement in labour markets?
7.        In what is Fed willing to engineer a labour-market recovery?
8.        What tempo has growing of  employment  ?
9.        Is the rate of employment growth in consistent with stable to falling rates of labour compensation and inflation?
            What is perhaps the strongest argment of all politics?          Dominika 

           Is it true that Bernanke suggests that the recent rapid improvements in unemployment reflect largely a reversal of out-sized deterioration experienced during the recession?
      What is the situation in improvement in labour markets over the past three months?
 Is employment growing ?


The video is about Koppers chocolate the largest and perhap last manufacture chocolate in Manhattan. The narrator is Jeff Alexander an co-owner of Koppers chocolate. Koppers chocolate started in 1937. It was started by 2 gentlemans, Jeff Alexanders  granfather Puppy and another felled in David Kopper,  who shortly retired after starting the company. When the company started, they were the only company in the country that made, that they cold ,cholcolate lentils which are small chocolate disks coated in suggar shower and bright colours in shine. Koppers are  actualy famous for most of the pen chocolates that people enjoys today. They have covered chocolate beans for over 40 years and make them in 40 differnt kinds , chocolate gummy bears and most of chocolate covered fruits and nuts that people enjoy today.Theyr  products are pretty much at every specialty store or speciality sections at supermarkets . They are an butik company that have about 50 emplyees .
Dominika O.

pondelok 2. apríla 2012


Questions with what, when, where, which, who(m), whose, why, how request specific information about something, and the circumstances surrounding actions and events (e.g. time, manner, place).The anticipated response to such questions is not yes or no, but information which provides the missing content of the wh-word:[discussing a new type of cooking grill]
Whose turn is it to wash up?
 How are you feeling?
A wh-question may include an emphatic do-auxiliary. In speech, the auxiliary is stressed. Such questions often occur in contexts where the asker feels they have not been given information they wanted or expected.
Non-emphatic wh-questions do not use auxiliary do when the wh-word is the subject. Emphatic wh-questions involve do-auxiliary even when the wh-word is the subject of the verb:
Who wants coffee?(non-emphatic) (Who does want coffee?)
What did happen in the end?     (emphatic)
A:   There was hardly anybody there.B:   Oh really? Who did turn up?(emphatic)

Read the text and then write down ten questions about it. Don´t write yes/no questions)
Try overshooting for once, please
Mar 27th 2012, 17:04 by R.A. | WASHINGTON
YESTERDAY, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gave a speech on America's labour market that has central bank tea-leaf readers speculating over its implications for a new round of asset purchases—QE3. Tim Duy has what seems like the most reasonable read of the present FOMC stance.
In essence, Bernanke suggests that the recent rapid improvements in unemployment reflect largely a reversal of out-sized deterioration experienced during the recession. As such, we should not expect a slower pace of improvement given current growth forecasts. Under such conditions, I believe, Bernanke would push for another round of QE - although it stills begs the question of why he doesn't push for more now given the existing forecasts. But he hasn't, so we can only infer that he thinks the costs of additional easing outweigh the benefits.
He leaves open the possibility, however, that labor markets will continue to improve at the recent pace, in which I think QE3 is off the table.
Let me restate that. Mr Bernanke thinks that rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months is a product of catch-up from previous underperformance (given observed growth in GDP). He does not appear to think the Fed's current policy is sufficient to generate labour market improvements as fast as what we've seen over the past three months. If he is wrong and the economy maintains this pace of improvement, then, as Mr Duy says, QE3 is off the table. If, however, he is right, and the pace of improvement slows, then another round of asset purchases is a real possibility.
Simpler still: the Fed is willing to engineer a labour-market recovery like that observed over the past three months, but would not be willing to engineer anything faster than that.
Keep in mind that the recovery observed over the past three months is a decent one, but not the one we'd expect or hope to see after a downturn as deep as the recession from 2007-2009. Employment has been growing at roughly 750,000 jobs per quarter, at a time when total employment is, conservatively, 7m jobs short of trend. If the economy were able to maintain that pace, in other words, it would still be a bit short of full employment two years from now. And of course, this rate of employment growth was consistent with stable to falling rates of labour compensation and inflation.
I realise I sound like a broken record, but it is remarkable the extent to which the Fed is willing to tolerate a very long period of costly labour-market weakness rather than tolerate any meaningful overshooting on the inflation side. This pathological obsession with the prevention of any meaningful overshooting is itself a substantial constraint on recovery. Forget QE3; the Fed could have a substantial stimulative effect on the economy merely by signaling that it would tolerate a year or two of above-target inflation. That the Fed is nonetheless unwilling to do this is perhaps the strongest argument of all that the present policy target—a 2% rate of inflation—is a poor choice relative to available alternatives.

nedeľa 1. apríla 2012

The Koppers is the largest manufacture of chocolate. Koppers produce 450 different kind of chocolate. Koppers started in 1937. It was started by two mans. One of them was David Kopper. When the company started they only produced chocolate lentils which are small chocolate pills with bright color  shine.  Koppers is actually quite famous for original production. They invented chocolate to presso  40 years ago. They produce gummy bears which are really sweet. Every product is special in the store. They were boutique company, they had about 50 employees but they made a big profit about 10-15 millions dollar so the business started to growth. Michal P. 

Real life of Willy Wonka

     Jeff Alexanders introduces a Koppers chocolate company. It is in fact a largest chocolate manufacture as he said perhaps the last on Manhattan . Koppers produces 450 different kinds of chocolate dragees and with these outputs they are one of the largest choco-manufacturers in the world.
     History of this company started in 1937 when  it was founded by "two gentlemans“ Jeffs grandfather and his companion David Kopper who retired early after starting the company. He said the name Koppers originated from the letter K which settled really strong and it would be successful. When the company started they were the only manufacture in the country which made ,,chocolate lentils“. Nowadays maybe followers of m&m‘s should know how sweet are these lentils. Koppers are actually quite famous for originating the pen chocolates that people are enjoying today. They invented chocolate covered gummy bears whose are also very sweet and became very popular.
     Koppers are boutique company they have about 50 employees and their sells are in 10 to 15 milion dollar range. They are very comfortable in that way and there is a posibility of growth in this business.

Juraj P.