nedeľa 15. apríla 2012

What did Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke give speech about on America's labour market?
Why would Bernanke push for another round of QE?
When will the QE3 be off the table according to what Mr. Duy said?
What is the Fed willing to engineer?
What kind of recovery comes after the recession from 2007-2009 and what kind of recovery we were hoping for?
What kind of tempo has growing of employment?
What is the rate of employment growth consistent with?
What is Fed willing to tolerate?

What is pathologically obsessed the Fed with?
Why present policy is thinking that a 2% rate of inflation is a poor choice relative to available alternatives?

Where did Ben Bernanke give speech?
What we can only infer if Bernanke would not push for another round of QE?
What does Mr. Bernanke thinks about rapid improvement in labour markets?
How fast would the Fed engineer recovery?
In which years was the recession?

What effect could have the Fed on the economy and why?
Why the Fed is willing to tolerate a very long period of costly labour-market weakness?
How is the Fed damaging itself?

What are thinking present policy about a 2% rate of inflation?

Ľudmila P.

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