nedeľa 18. marca 2012

No one, even I was surprised that the winner of election 2012 will be party SMER-SD, whereas the right-wing government disappointed the confidence of voters in previous elections.
 I am very curious and I hope that the right-wing opposition will handle the control over the SMER-SD because I am not an advocate of this political party. I think, that this individual government of one party will not benefit from one of our already quite exhausted economy and we can only expect further indebtedness.
From my point of view, the positive side of winning the party SMER-SD will be potentionally show in the stability in government, but I am not convinced whether it will lead to stability of the economic benefit of the state structure. On the positive side at SMER-SD is also the fact, that the state organs in Slovakia will be much quieter during the period of this government and we can expect even better performance whereas the right-wing government this side of governing in Slovakia has not managed at all.
Hopefully, SMER-SD will surprise us in a good way and we will see how it stands up to the implementation of commitments to the European Union and whether they can handle fairly satisfied.

Izabela P.

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