nedeľa 25. marca 2012

This is an interview with the CEO of the General Motors.
A reporter Adam Lashinsky said that U.S. government owns about 32 % of general motors. That´s often characterized that the loan needs to be repaid to the U.S.  government.  Dan Akerson the CEO of the General Motors responded that there was a debt, but it was repaid back, and they also sold out more than 62 % of the company to the government and around 23 billion dollars has been returned. They do not own government anything because government is a larger shareholder, but they don´t have representation in a boardroom. The government looks at their financials and they have shareholders meeting before the company goes public and they vote for or against the various directors. Dan Akerson spoke to president of USA twice and the president visited one of their Detroit areas with the president of Korea and he thinks the president is supporter of the company, but the government don´t involve themselves in the running of the business.
Zuzana P.

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