nedeľa 18. marca 2012

     The results of earlier elections in the Slovak National Council weren´t very surprising for me but I didn´t expect so huge result for SMER – SD. It was caused by people´s dissatisfaction with right-wing parties what had bad and complicated political relationships among them and caused by publication of case Gorila and Sasanka. The right-wing parties weren´t be able to join together against SMER – SD as they did in the election in 2010.
     First time since the 1989 we will have a government only from one political party. It can be really useful, stable and favorably but on the other side it´s really dangerous because all political power is situated only for one political party. SMER – SD has now more difficult conditions for governance as they had in 2006 where they had “full dinner table” (high economic cycle, low unemployment, good state budget). But now there is high unemployment, deficit problems, low business cycle, high corruption and others. Their electors will expect social assurances as this political party have promised on the billboards so it will be really interesting how politics will accomplish it in this not easy time.
      About their economic arrangements, I´m not sure, that will be really effective because social government measures can damage business area. I´m afraid about decreasing of investments to our country, eventually leaving some companies. Problem of social democrats is, that their solutions are focus only for a short time, bud right-wing parties have better economic solutions for a longer time.
      In conclusion, Robert Fico has perfect opportunity to achieve how he can manage country successfully. If he will fail, he may end up as Vladimír Mečiar with HZDS.
      I hope, that this government will not be a big barrier for our country and they won´t get our country on the beginning of bankruptcy and collapse.   Michal O.

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