nedeľa 25. marca 2012

Today with General Motors

     Video blog show us the interview with the current CEO and Chairman of General Motors, Daniel Akerson.
     Reporter Adam Lashinsky gave him a question about the business of the US Goverment in GM, because they are one of the largest shareholders now with the 32% of a company what often means that there is a loan which have to be repaid to the US Goverment.
CEO explained that they have paid back all of their debt and also 23 billion dollars has been returned because they sold out more than 62% of a company. He stressed that GM do not own nothing to the US Goverment.
He spoke about the low level of interaction among the company and Goverment because they have not representative in the Board room . They only recieve a monthly reports as a ordinary shareholder, what is really unusual if we consider that they are larger shareholder than the others.
     In last part of interview they talked about the support of president Obama for the company. Akerson said that the president visited plant in Detroit with the president of South Korea and they have signed here a Free Trade Agreement between US and South Korea.

Juraj P.

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